
Black Lesbian Fishermen

Friday 23 February 2024 | 21:00
Info / Ticket Reservations: & ☏ 213 00 40 496

Psych band with a unique ritualistic sound, elements of ambient, drone, psychedelic, folk and electronic music, Black Lesbian Fishermen is an international collective based in Athens and Evia. They have released two albums (the ‘Ectopic Apiary’ & the hypnotic ‘The Metaphysics Of Natron’) and countless tracks on compilations. The musicians that make up the band have worked with Anvil Salute, Arve Henriksen, Coil, Current 93, Eyeless In Gaza, Nurse With Wound, Rotting Christ, Spires That In The Sunset Rise, Whitehouse, Z’ev. Dimitris Chiotis will be their guest for this concert.

Nikos Fokas – modular synths, keyboards, treatments, tepaphon

R Loftiss – bowed guitar, vox, glass flute, synths, toys

Stelios Romaliadis – flute

Alan Trench – guitars, fx, vox, synths

Dimitris Chiotis – lyra

Musician and sound designer Nikos Fokas has in his portfolio both personal discography (‘The Eternal Creak Of The Icebreaker’) and excellent collaborations, such as the recent work ‘Nensha’ with trumpeter Arve Henriksen (ECM Records, ACT, Rune Grammofon etc.). He also performs and records as a member of Vault Of Blossomed Ropes.

R Loftiss (Oklahoma, USA) recently released the critically acclaimed ‘She Sleeps To The Sound Of Knives’ which was was described as “a cohesive vision of folk, classical and experimental styles..” by The Unbroken Circle and “totally original and…absolutely haunting” by New York Music Daily.

Stelios Romaliadis is a member of the Vault of Blossomed Ropes and founder of the music collective LÜÜP. In 2012, WistRec (Ireland) released his collaboration with the Polish Pleq (“The Redemption Bells”). He has also collaborated with HiorChronik, J.Kriste-MasterofDisguise, Pleq, Eziak, Serafim Tsotsonis, Thanos Vavaroutas, Marina Skiadaresi, Dimitris Papaspyropoulos etc.

Alan Trench is a musician, composer and producer with an impressive resume – from the dark folk British trio Orchis, Twelve Thousand Days with Martyn Bates of Eyeless in Gaza and the Temple Music and Howling Larsons projects, to the famous World Serpent Distribution network and his contributions to recordings by Current 93, Nurse With Wound and others.

Dimitris Chiotis was born in Athens. He has studied various Middle Eastern instruments such as the arabic oud, the afghan rhabab and the persian kamanche. The instrument that he has explored and deepened the most is the cretan lyra. In recent years he has designed an electric version of this instrument which gives new sound possibilities. He recently released his first personal record (“Alati” – Alessa Records, 2021) original compositions, consisting a collaboration of Greek and Iranian musicians.