
Dancing Matter

Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th of April 2022 | 18:00-22:00
Info / Ticket Reservations:
limited participants/reservations required: &

The two-day workshop Dancing Matter is organized at KET by dancer and choreographer Iro Vassalou, in collaboration with visual artist and curator Nikolas Vamvouklis and kinesiologist and dancer Rallou Karella: a workshop of choreographic composition and performance focusing on matter and its relationship with the human body and choreography on stage.

On the first day – through compositional exercises – the participants become familiar with the materials (soil, water, paper, paint, feathers, etc.), observe their behaviour, place them in the room with an artistic manner, study the symbolisms they carry and discover their narrative dynamics in the performance environment.

On the second day – through various improvisational movement/choreography and practices from performance art – the workshop focuses on the coexistence of the human body with the stage materials, inventing “material choreographies” of human and non-human bodies; bodies of equal value that interact and tell stories of love, sensations and encounter.

At the end of the workshop, small improvisational soli are composed.

The workshop is addressed to actors, visual artists, dancers, but also to people without any experience, who like movement and creation.

Participation cost: 25€ for one day / 40€ for both days.
Registration: &

*If a person who wants to participate is struggling financially, they can contact the teacher at The goal is to meet and exchange knowledge and opinions regardless of our financial status.


Iro Vassalou graduated in 2014 from the London Contemporary Dance School “The Place” and recently obtained her Master’s degree in Dramaturgy from Utrecht University. In 2015 she moved to Malaga, Spain where she founded La Fáctica Danza with Uruguayan artist Lula Amir. As a dancer/performer she has collaborated with the Villapuchero Factory collective creating site-specific performances, the dance company Ximena Carnevale, with music composer Paloma Peñarrubia Ruíz and with the theatre company Gazquez-Alcaraz. Her choreographies have been hosted in European festivals and platforms such as Athens Video Dance Project in Athens, the 7th Festival of Young Choreographers at the House of Arts and Letters, Nuevos Valores de la Danza and MAF in Malaga, Seasoning in Eindhoven, Dansmakers’ 8th You Better Move in Amsterdam, Resolutions Festival in London, etc. During her stay in the Netherlands she worked with Nite Ensemble (NNT + Club Guy & Roni) as an assistant dramaturg. She also organised the symposium “Interdisciplinarity: A Space for Togetherness”, which was hosted in the Utrecht University. Since 2020 she has been based in Athens and collaborates as a dramaturg with The guest Project and Gesamt Atelier among others, while developing her personal choreographic work. Her interests focus on interactive performances, the relationship between body and space, and choreography as a means of political analysis and action. Her work is characterized by an intense physicality and a persistent look at issues of gender and representation.