“The moment before”
The moment before we move, act, smile, cry, fall in love, get disappointed, change everything or “nothing”, before we say goodbye, remember or forget forever.
On the occasion of the performance “The man who passed or it interests me Roula” (www.polychorosket.gr/events/oanthropospouperase2), actress and director Revecca Tsiligaridou organizes at KET a seminar based on the Viewpoints method.
“The aim of the seminar is to question and investigate, using the tools provided by this method, what is contained in a single moment and what happens just before. What is the densification, what is its aftermath. Working on texts, we will become, with our bodies and our words, a dance of narrators. We will focus on the ‘small’ to question the ‘big’, making conscious the given of each moment and leaving room for the accidental.”
(Revecca Tsiligaridou)
The viewpoints method aims to:
Α. train the actors
Β. create groups
C. redefine the basic concepts of space and time through the constitution of different points, each time based on and invented by the empathy of the participants themselves. With the help of viewpoints, a new stage language is discovered. Each actor is invited to listen to the here and now, to operate in it by using the above-mentioned points and, as a good observer of himself, of his environment, to be able to act and react to what is happening.
The gifts of viewpoints:
The method of viewpoints frees each candidate “performer” from the egocentric view of himself, and thus from the stress and pressure of creation and invention: it turns his stage existence into a continuous play with the void of x-space: something can be created by itself, take place on stage and the participants can make it exist. It is the search for all those elements that could provide them with confidence in themselves and in their environment that will lead to the invention and construction of situations, emotions, characters.
Assessment of likelihood
The method of viewpoints challenges the “good/bad”, “right/wrong”, “success/failure” dichotomies. It encourages instead the revelation of possibility leading to the right to choose.
Choice – freedom
The method develops the functions of awareness in the “here and now”, increasing the sense of spontaneity and freeing the actor from the processual character of obligation, of “must”. In this way, options are increased and freedom is not restricted.
Wholeness – total
With viewpoints the actor is invited to perceive his/her sincere presence in the moment: to be whole, to be present, to put his/her forgotten “inner” body into operation.